To eat cakes, to eat suckling pig, rice with pigeon peas and to drink rum.... And Christmas is here. And with Christmas we forget about diets, exercise and many times we put our health at risk by succumbing to the excesses of food and alcohol. Who doesn't like a good plate of rice with pigeon peas and a piglet or a delicious rice with sweet and drink a coquito?
According to Lcda. Liza Diaz, nutritionist at Biologiqué Medical Care and Wellness, we can enjoy the gastronomic delights that this holiday season gives us in a way that we do not have to regret in January those extra pounds or exacerbated health conditions.
Below, Liza Díaz shares some tips that we can follow when it comes to maintaining a healthy way of eating during the holidays.
1. Do not skip breakfast.
2. Start the day by exercising.
3. Snack smart (avoid sweets and flour).
4. Do not diet all day to eat everything at night.
5. Use healthy ingredients.
6. Make a stuffing with mixed vegetables.
7. Be conscious when choosing dessert, have variety.
8. Eat conscientiously.
9. Limit alcohol consumption.
10. Be careful with your choice.
"It is not not not eating but knowing what and how to eat. When serving yourself, choose food and food portions wisely. If there is a lot of variety of food, save it for another day. Don't eat it all in one meal. If you are the one preparing the food be creative and use cauliflower and other vegetables to make lower calorie fillings. You can also have fruit as a dessert option," emphasizes the nutritionist.
Enjoy the goodness and joy of this holiday season. And while holiday raids have been typical in our culture, don't let Christmas be an assault on your health. A healthy Christmas is the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones.