Taking care of yourself is on your priority list during this time of year? Do you put your health and wellness on the back burner, knowing that the new year is just around the corner? Did you know that people who have a self-care routine are healthier and happier?

I will tell you that a few years ago, because I did not take time for myself and learn to listen to my body, I ended up with some medical conditions. The reality is that developing a lifestyle that includes activities that are conducive to maintaining health and wellness takes time and effort, and many times we don't have it.

Here are some self-care tips to protect your physical and mental health during the holiday season:

1. Rest. We know that during the holiday season, between work, gift shopping, family gatherings, parties... and more parties, it is difficult to get the time you need to rest. However, you need to get it so you can ease the pressures of thinking, arranging, analyzing and doing. This could literally be an hour a day or a few days of vacation anywhere - it's important to make time for your body and mind to rest!

2. Feed yourself. Is it possible to eat healthy during the holiday season? Studies suggest that at Christmas Eve dinner we consume about 3,000 calories - more than the total recommended daily intake for an adult male! We advise you at lunch or dinner; first, fill your plate with salads and vegetables, and then try a little bit of everything you want to eat. When it comes to holiday food, portions and balance are key. Another tip is to eat slowly. Why? This will give your brain time to reach the feeling of fullness, which means you'll be less likely to overeat.

3. Exercise. Exercise is an excellent way to sharpen your mind and improve your mood. If you can, take advantage of this time and go for a walk on a sidewalk or beach. It has been proven that contact with nature and exercise increases self-esteem and improves mood. Get moving!

4. Say NO. Before accepting all invitations, check how you feel. Allow yourself to say no when you feel overwhelmed and have too many commitments. Always remember that you can reschedule, delegate or change your mind - make yourself a priority!

5. Consultation with a physician. Our brain is our engine, and when it is overloaded we should give it a break or ask for help, if necessary. Consulting our concerns with a specialist is an excellent way to preserve our physical and mental health. Many times our mood can fluctuate for other reasons, such as hormonal imbalance. The best way to educate yourself about what may really be happening to you is to consult a health professional.

Put these self-care tips into practice and start living your life to the fullest every day. Don't wait until January 1, 2020 to make yourself your priority; start today and make time for you.

Add life to your years in a healthy and safe way!

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